Vitamin D produced by sun exposure is associated with high levels of energy, prevents mental disorders, provides a sense of relaxation and increases libido. Only needs 20 to 30 daily exposure to abosorv all these benefits, lets deepen inside this topic…

Mood Regulation and Mental Health:
Reduced exposure to sunlight during winter months can lead to SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), a type of depression. Increased exposure to natural light can alleviate symptoms of SAD by boosting serotonin levels. Also helps regulate the body’s circadian rhythms, which are crucial for maintaining a healthy sleep-wake cycle. Natural environments induce relaxation, lower cortisol levels (stress hormone) and take you out of your daily routine, giving you a more favourable view of the world around you.

Skin Conditions:
Sunlight in the skin grants a high level of attractiveness compared to most people who barely stop to absorb it, reports indicate that can eradicate acne, skin toxins and drying impuritie, giving more brightness and youth.

Immune System Support:
Lights of the sun build a strong inmune system building defense against dieases multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, cancer, and osteoporosis, low sun exposure is associated with a decrease in serotonin levels, which are linked to a higher risk of major depression and fuel mental illness.
A short break outside can save your day by reducing the stress and irritation that weaken your system and drain your energy.

Cognitive Function:
Diseases such as dementia are often linked to a lack of sunlight, studies have shown an increase in life expectancy, good cardiovascular health, improved immune function and reduced stress levels in people who get sunlight.
Mental health is one of the most researched topics of the last century, we need to stay alert to the dangers we cannot see and take action until it is too late.