Affiliate marketing consists of publishing content related to the enterprise is selling to take you a percentage of the buying through links that will be provided to you once you are registered and they allow you to work for them.

Using social networks is a wise way to build a public to reach more people to enchain exponential grow. Some accounts give information or insights about famous psychiatrists or philosophers to induncing people to buy a book that expands the topic exposed through your referencial link.
How Affiliates Earn Money in 5 steps:
- Affiliate Links: Once you are registered, the company will give you a unique link, your only task is to find ways to amplify your niche, sharing value through text and images using your ability to convince and reclaim your part.
- Content Creation: Copywriting is the ability to make a publicity eye-catching advertising inducing to buy the product that you exposuse, learned it is a powerful weapon to reach a copious audience, added a share value will be provided a strong appeal.
- Social Media Marketing: Affiliates build and develop audiences through social media, a strong presence maintains a wide flow of people that renews itself over time. Creating content through X and Instagram are the best networks to share content, used by huge amount of people, famous for the easy systems that give you to share content converting these two in the best options to scale.
- Niche: Find a topic you like or have an affinity with, forcing yourself to write about something you dislike will not convince anyone and will only waste your time. This is a repetitive task, so sharpen your strengths.
- Aim to more: Create more related accounts to promote yourself to keep the flow going and reach a new audience.
In a few months, if you put in the necessary effort and develop a strong discipline, you will have a reliable source of income.